Friday, August 14, 2009

Scattered Showers...

I guess I should have paid more attention to the forecast calling for "scattered showers" tonight...

As I've mentioned before, we like to go for nightly walks after dinner. The skies were dark some places, but I looked at the radar and thought we would be fine. I don't know where I went wrong, but one second, Barry was pushing Leslie on the swing as I stood by with Calla in the stroller- just enjoying the cool weather (although the sun was peeping out alot) and listening to the occasional roll of thunder in the distance, and the next second, I look up to see a wall of rain barreling towards us! I yelled, (as in slow motion) "Oh no, that's rain!" as I popped a wheelie getting Calla turned around.

I started to panic and just ran towards the house which is about 1/2 mile away, but the rain caught up to us after 3 feet, so I had to develop plan B and opted for a spot under some huge pine trees near by. Calla and I were pretty dry, but it took Barry a few seconds to get Leslie and her big Crocs out of the kiddie swing, so they were pretty wet. Calla was fine. Leslie was horrified and tearful- we couldn't convince her summer rain was fun.

After a couple minutes, the rain was gone, and we headed home... nothing to it. It barely even sprinkled at our house. That's crazy West Texas storms for you. I just wanted to share with everyone our little adventure for our evening, and hopefully, bring a little laughter your way...

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