Monday, July 27, 2009

6 months and counting...

So six months have come and gone. And as miserable as those first few months were, I knew I would miss them once they were gone.

Calla had her 6 month check-up and was 26 1/2 inches long and weighed in at 18 lbs 3oz. She's at the 90 percentile in both. So, she has slowed up considerably in her weight gain and is a full pound less than Leslie was at 6 months. A large part of this is probably Calla's love affair with actual food. I think she'd give up her bottle entirely if we'd let her. She got in a bit of trouble with the doctor for not drinking more formula, so we have to work on that. They also suggested a different formula to try her on so we can get her off the liquid gold she now takes. They were very impressed that she can already get up on all fours and rock back and forth. I know physically she's ready to crawl, I'm just hoping it takes her a little while to figure out how to move her hands independently. I'm not ready for her grow up just yet.

She's already developing such a personality... She was all smiles at her check up for the nurse- until the shots came out. So she got her vaccinations and she cried and I picked her up and calmed her down. While I was holding her she kept watching the nurse cleaning up and making notes on her chart etc... The nurse turned around a couple times and tried talking to her and every time Calla would turn her head and start wailing again as if saying, "I'm not talking to you! You're not my friend anymore!" It made me laugh. She's going to be a handful for sure.

I just can't believe how old she's getting. Barry can tell you how much I complain about my arms aching from lugging her around all day, but I know they are going to ache even more when she no longer needs me to. I pray God gives me the patience to enjoy Calla for every day she is still my baby because like pregnancy and infancy, regardless of present difficulties, I always miss it once it's gone.

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