Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Children's Parade

We had so much fun on the forth! I was worried that we wouldn't have alot to do or the girls wouldn't have fun because all my family was out of town (yet another summer vacation without me) and we don't really have any friends to hang out with in town. But we ended up having a great time just the four of us!

There's a children's parade in town every year, so I decided we could start our day with that. Here's me and Leslie decorating up her bike the night before...

It was pretty last minute, so basically she just had crepe paper, but it was something special. She didn't care that it looked a little ghetto:)

Calla, of course, got a little flair on her stroller, too...

And here we are parading through the streets...

It was hot, but fun. There was a little program afterward where we said the Pledge of Allegiance and sang the National Anthem. It was a fun start to our day for the kiddos!

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