Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Sweet Leslie Moments

Leslie has always demanded to sleep with no less than 2 blankies (burp cloths) on her face. However, this caught me by surprise the other day... I turned a Word World on for Leslie to watch in the morning while I fed Calla breakfast. And afterward, I found Leslie sitting on the couch with her blanket on her lap and blankie on her head, just as normal as could be.

PS: Word World is a PBS show that is absolutely phenomenal! I find myself singing the songs all day long, and Leslie has learned so much from it. She knows all the letters and sounds and can sound out words really well. And, she can spell a ton of words! It's just rote memory, but that's alot of what spelling is, and she has to start somewhere. Hopefully, she'll be a better speller than her mother. All you mothers with little ones should DVR it for those moments in the day you need a time-out!

Leslie caught the last couple weeks of a summer dance program. Turns out it starts right after school's out and then the studio takes July off. Oh well- she absolutely loved the few classes she had. Here she is showing off a few of her new moves...

I've caught her "friends" watching TV a few times lately. It always surprises me and makes me laugh that she lines them all up facing the TV. Thought you might get a good laugh from it, too...

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