Monday, June 29, 2009

Funny Girls...

Introducing Princess Calla...

We've been taking nightly walks around the neighborhood and to several playgrounds close by. It's taken Leslie a full 3 years to figure it out, but one night, it finally clicked... she can now pedal her bike! She rides it everywhere on our walks and really fast, sometimes without hands even!

Our walks are usually after dinner when the sun is setting, and the sun always made Calla super mad when it got in her eyes, so we got her some shades, and life is better...

Lazy baby...

Calla still sleeping, and Leslie with her canteen and their matching dresses...

For a baby that has so much trouble sleeping, she sure does fall asleep in weird places. I guess those green beans just really take it out of her...


  1. Sounds just like Parker... And Beckham has been so much like Leslie lol

  2. OH, I love the matching dresses!

  3. It took Joseph 3 years to figure out pedaling, too. And I love love love the matching dresses! Isn't it fun having 2 girls that you can dress matchy matchy?! :)
