Saturday, June 6, 2009

General Update...

There is never a dull moment in our lives! We don't have alot of fun pictures this week, but I can go ahead and tell you some of the more comical events of the past 2 weeks...

Leslie now tells jokes. She heard us tell a joke where the punch line was "potato," so now she shouts "Potato!" at random times and laughs hysterically. The funniest event with this new development was last weekend when we were playing hide-and-seek in the back yard. I hid Leslie in the bushes and when Barry went to find her, he just stood in the middle of the yard and yelled "Potato!" Leslie just couldn't hold it in! She started giggling uncontrollably and thus, revealed her secret hiding place. The joke has now evolved to include most any single word when spoken with the same tone and inflection. The most popular back-up is "Watermelon!"

Last weekend Mom watched the girls for us Saturday afternoon. So we went to the store and tried doing some yard work, but about 5 minutes after Barry gets out there with me, he slices his thumb open. Several hours later it's still bleeding, so he and Will pack up and head to the ER for a couple stitches and a tetanus shot. It's hard to get a good picture of something so tiny close up. It's pretty gross though. He's been a big trooper and has still helped out as best he could with everything.

Water day:
Then on Sunday, after church, we had all the family over to our house for some serious fun. We put on the bathing suits and broke out the water guns and balloons! We have a pretty big backyard that is kind of J shaped, so there are lots of places to hide. We have a swing set, and we moved Leslie's princess castle out into the yard too for additional hiding. I made all the boys be easy with me, so they all had huge whelps on them by the end of the day. It looked like they went to a jumbo pellet paint gun range! Leslie chased everyone around playing too and had alot of fun. The best part of the day was after the first game... Ben took an unusually long time inside filling up his water gun, so we finished the few balloons left and Barry and Will filled up the two buckets that were empty with water. Ben came outside with his pockets bulging from illegal balloons he had filled up inside. The joke was on him... He ran straight to the castle thinking he could dive bomb people only to discover the tidal wave that was awaiting him. That's karma.

We're still struggling with Calla having good days and bad days, and a good night amidst several bad, but last night was one of the best. We had to get up with her 3 times, but she went back down every time without being fed. That's her first night night without a bottle! I'm sure alot of it had to do with the fact I gave her Tylenol before bed, and again when she woke up at 4am. I guess I need to ask her doctor if I can do that every night until her teeth come in. I thought they'd be here by now!

A fun milestone with Calla this week has been her mobility. She now rolls over every which way and can use her legs to crawl everywhere without just face planting. She's learned to hold her head up and move on her chest. She's getting pretty good at that exersaucer, too, and I think she'll be sitting before too long!

She started baby food last week, too, and she has decided that is the way to go. Before she ever had that first bite she knew exactly what to do. I've never seen a baby try and unhinge her jaw for each bite, but she sure does! She eats a ton and loves every bite. Although, she's a bit pickier that Leslie was. I'm sure we'll get there. To each there own. It's hard to know how much to feed her because she's so much bigger than most babies her age, but she drinks a little less formula now and I let her stop when she's full. I guess I'll just follow her lead!

Thought for the week:
So in summation, things are good. There are some really tough times, granted, but we take it day by day and make it through. Our sermon last week at church was really good. It was on God's mercy. The point that really spoke to me was the preacher asked, "When things get bad, don't you always feel like God it testing that line? That He will never give you more than you can handle, but He likes to give you right up to that line?" And I know that's how I feel alot of time.

Barry and I used to joke that we must be the biggest sissies because Leslie was such a dream baby. But God doesn't want for us to suffer and feel bad. And while it's true, He will never give us more that we can handle, He is never pushing that line. I know I complain about things right now... about how Calla doesn't sleep at night, she only takes 20min power naps all day, and I can't get her on a schedule to save my life, etc... But, the fact I have her in my life is nothing but a true blessing and a pure reflection of God's mercy in my life.

I pray we all take time to realize that everything and everyone in our lives, from our work to homes to family, regardless of the stress and headaches they create, is simply God's love and favor for us.

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