Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Backyard Campout

Leslie and Barry had a backyard campout last weekend. Indian Princesses doesn't start until kindergarten, so we figured we should start teaching her some of the basics now, so by the time she's in Indian Princesses, she'll be able to start a fire with two sticks. They did all sorts of fun activities that I didn't get pictures of because I was dealing with Calla like a nature scavenger hunt and making pine cone bird feeders! Here are a few pictures I manage to capture from the night...

Leslie and Daddy setting up the tent...

Barry made a mini bonfire...

Then he taught Leslie how to roast marshmallows and make s'mores...

She LOVED them, of course...

It was a really fun event for the two of them to share. They actually stayed outside all night without any trouble. Her only complaint was that it was only one night! She's so blessed to have an awesome daddy that will do stuff like this with and for her! Can't wait 'til next time!...

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