Monday, June 29, 2009

5 months and counting

What a difference a month makes! For the first time since Calla's been born I finally feel like I'm not drowning. Calla is sleeping a ton better. She sleeps though the night... most of time. We still have to get up and plug her a couple times, but she usually goes back down easily and doesn't want to eat. She sleeps so much better for Barry than me. Last weekend I was single mom-ing it while Barry was out of town and Calla ate every night. But she doesn't like bottles from other people, so when Barry gets up with her at night she usually decides it's not worth it:) I give in to her eating at night some still because she's super fast and then she usually sleeps an extra 1-3hours in the morning. It definitely nets out in my advantage. A schedule or routine still evades us, but I'm starting to be able to predict and notice her signals a bit better. And now that's she older, she doesn't go absolutely ballistic when she gets hungry or tired. She's a sweet baby and always very smiley...

Her hair is growing in slowly but surely. I stoke her little head everyday and whisper into her ear, "Bow by Christmas, bow by Christmas." She has the length, just needs to work on the thickness before we tackle accessories.

After much pain and a few sleepless nights, she cut her bottom two teeth...

"Look Mommy, we're holding hands!" Calla thinks the world of Leslie. Everyday their friendship and love grows as Calla is able to interact more and more.

Calla at the Rockhounds game. She loves baseball!