Thursday, May 28, 2009

4 months old

Calla had her 4 month check-up last Friday. She was 16lbs 11oz and 25 inches long. Her head circumference is at 90%tile, her height is a little higher, and her weight a little more, but over all, in good proportion and perfectly healthy. Her ears were clear, but she had a throat infection. So we had a couple rough nights dealing with that, but she seems to being doing well now. Hopefully with summer around the corner, she can stay well and help us get a routine going and a sense of normalcy. Even through all the sickness and sleepless days and nights, she stays a happy girl...

Here's Leslie's 4 month picture for comparison. Their stats are almost exactly the same this month...

Unlike Leslie, Calla really enjoys her tummy time. She's gotten pretty good at reaching for toys and pushing the buttons on them to get them to sing or light up. She can roll over in her bed extremely well (I have to go and flop her back over onto her belly several times a night,) but it's alot harder for her on the blanket to get her legs up underneath her to flip, so she rarely tries anymore.

She'll be moving much too soon I'm afraid, but I know she will be much happier when she can. She gets increasingly unhappy with being stationary everyday. I can tell her mind wants to do so much more than her body allows. When her little muscles catch up, she's going to give me a run for my money!

1 comment:

  1. It's fun, but it does get crazier! Rebekah is ALL over the place.
