Thursday, May 28, 2009

Fun pictures

We've started giving the girls baths together at night when we can. Calla loves the company and Leslie loves swimming her mermaid doll all through and under Calla's tub. Calla needs to learn to sit up before she breaks the sling on her little tub. It was meant to hold little infants, not toddler sized babies!

Pretty girl...

Leslie's last day of school was Tuesday, so they had their program. As you can see, Leslie was pretty much the only kid actually singing and doing all the hand movements. We were so proud!

Calla has really started to like her exersaucer. She likes it more everyday as she learns to grab and pull the toys more and balance, bounce, and turn better.

Sometimes, the fun is just more than she can take...

1 comment:

  1. Shared bath times are great! More fun AND less time consuming. Leslie is a very pretty little girl. I love all her hair! Calla is precious as well.
