Wednesday, July 8, 2009

more 4th of July Celebrations...

Here we are at the picnic after the parade. It was getting really hot. I think the high was only supposed to be 98, but it felt so much more!

Here's my beautiful girls. There were better pictures of Calla, but getting a decent picture of Leslie is few and far between. I don't understand why looking at the camera is such a hard concept for her!

We went home, and Calla took a nap while Barry and Leslie played outside in a couple of her pools. After the swimming, Barry made s'mores on the stove for snack. Ever since their campout, Leslie wants s'more all the time, so he gave in and made her one today! Isn't he a good resourceful daddy?

We cooked out for dinner, and then I colored some icing, and we squeezed it on to graham crackers for dessert...

I'm sure you can't tell, but it's raining sideways and hailing outside!

Calla is such a loud baby. Unless you are actively talking to her, she will gripe and yell endlessly. So, to give our ears a break during dinner, we decided to give her a teething biscuit which she loved. However, she had a little bit of trouble aiming at times...

It was a really fun day. It's nice to know that we can go out without Calla having a complete meltdown in the middle of things. We survived this year, next year we will have to do some serious celebrating. Hope y'all had as good a holiday as we did!

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