Monday, December 7, 2009

Snow Day...

Last week we had a rare Midland snow. It was pretty much all over night, so we woke up to a beautiful winter wonderland. I told Leslie we'd go play in it when Calla went down for her morning nap, but when the sun broke through, I knew we needed to play now. So I layered Leslie up, and sat Calla in front of the TV, so I could go outside and have some fun, too! She loved being out in the snow, but she didn't really know what to do or how to play in it. So, I showed her a few basics like eating it...

We live in the dessert and only get enough snow to play in every few years; so, we don't have water proof snow clothes. I layered up her pants and shirts and told myself that by the time she soaked through 3 layers, it would be time to come in. And, I had some regular gloves for Leslie to wear, but I knew they wouldn't stay dry, so I made her put her little hands in ziploc baggies then I rubber banded them shut! Funny Mommy...

"Leslie! Don't eat the snow on the grass! Just off the playground is okay..."

"Okay- you're face is turning red... don't eat anymore snow. Wanna learn how to make a snow angel? ... Now flap your arms and legs reeeeally big!"

Pretty good first attempt...

Making foot prints in the snow...

And then I had her make some hand prints with her baggied hands so I could laugh...

Lots more snow angels...

She rolled out of this one pretty well. It's weird to see how green the grass is underneath...

And as quick as it came, our happy winter melted away...

I was so happy to get to play outside with Leslie some in the snow. Most kids her age didn't seem to like it, but Leslie thought the snow was beautiful and wanted to stay out in it all day. Tune in again in a couple years and we'll see if Calla likes the snow, too...

1 comment:

  1. Great fun! What a good mom you are to teach her to eat snow. :) And I love the Texas improvised gloves! I'll have to remember that one!
