Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Pieces of our life...

Here are some random pictures over the last couple weeks...

Calla has decided she really likes the piano and has picked that instrument to play in Barry's family band pursuits...

After MUCH MUCH turmoil over the tree, I finally got it up and decorated. It's alot bigger than our last one, so I need to make some more bows and buy some more giant ornaments, but I still love it! Surprisingly, Calla doesn't bother it too much...

Barry got Calla up last weekend, laid her on the floor and changed her diaper, and then- she just kept laying there (watching ESPN I assume!) Lazy baby...

Here is Santa-Rudolf...

We ate over at our friends house the other night, and Calla just kept crackin' up at Jenna kissing on her neck...
I've been really excited about Calla's hair getting so much thicker and longer! But, it's becoming more and more problematic that she likes to sleep with her head wrapped in a blanket and the top of her head up against the crib bumpers...

So, this picture is about a month late (second child syndrome I guess.) Now that she's picking feet up and taking steps, I figured I better hurry and get a picture of her standing by herself before it's not special and exciting anymore...

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