Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Maize fun... again

A few weekends ago, we went back out to Fiddlesticks Farm with Grandmommy. It was pretty cold most of the morning because the clouds didn't break til lunchtime. Here's Calla all bundled up ready to play...

Here's baby Leslie crying for someone to help her off the hay because she's scared to slide down it by herself...

Calla got to play in the hay some this time, too...

We did the Maize again and decided it was easier to carry Calla than Leslie, so we made Leslie ride in the stroller when she got tired...

We all got to ride the Cow Train this time too. Leslie loved it; Calla didn't seem especially impressed at it though...

The biggest adventure was family time on the Corn Popper! We took Calla and Leslie and bounced them both super high...

Calla really loved crawling around while everyone else bounced her...

"Bouncy Bouncy..."

We really do try to take equal amounts of pictures with Leslie, she's just not very cooperative these days. Here's the best girls picture we got out of her...

We slid down the side some too...

We had alot of fun with both the girls. It's amazing how much more Calla got to do in just a month since our last visit! I'm afraid it confirms my suspicion that Calla is growing up way too fast. Check back for the fun clean up pictures...

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