Monday, December 22, 2008

More fun in the leaves

Here's some fun pictures Barry took one afternoon while he and Leslie were playing in the abundance of leaves between our house and the neighbors...

She was wearing her 2T jeans so she could get good and dirty, but Barry wouldn't keep them pulled up. So, most of the pictures have her panties hanging out the back, but at least it's not a diaper! She spent at least 20 mins just sitting in the leaves "crunching" them. It's her favorite pastime with most anything... especially Goldfish crackers. We finally found something she wouldn't get in trouble for crunching!

Here she is walking through the leaves. They were almost knee deep on her.

And here she is with all the leaves piled on her...

She really liked gathering them up and throwing them on herself or Daddy...

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Play time pictures

Here is a self-family portrait of Barry, Erin, Leslie and a wise man...

Here is Leslie doing some crazy kung-fu move...

Here is Dolly playing the xylophone...

Here is Rudolph (emphasis on the dolph) giving Leslie a kiss...

And here is Leslie's idea of Christmas decorations...

I guess she thought the leis, cowboy hat, and Dora hat were just the finishing touches it needed to make it her own!

Surprise Baby Shower

One of my good friends here in town threw me a surprise baby shower last week! I thought we were making bows and doing Christmas crafts, so I was totally blown away when I walked threw the door. I'm just glad I didn't change into my pajama's before I went over there like I contemplated! She even got me my favorite dessert... a cookie cake!

We played a game where I had to finish the nursery rhyme, and if I couldn't, then I had to wear something silly, but if I did, then I could pick someone else to wear it. I thought I would do really well at this game, but no so much....

Thank you to Jenna for being totally awesome and selfless and getting everyone together to have some fun and celebrate our new little addition!

New Niece!

Most importantly, on Sunday 12/14, my step-brother, Zac, and his wife welcomed their first baby in to the world. Everyone did great and she's perfectly healthy.

Kate Elizabeth Peden

7lbs 7oz

20 1/2 inches

I'm a little sad (and mad) that I won't be able to meet her for several months, but it'll be fun having the two girls so close in age down the road!

Busy Times...

We have had lots of things going on around here since Barry finished his test. Sorry I haven't had an update in a while. We've been in overdrive trying to get Christmas done, so we can get New Years done, so we can start getting a handle on getting baby things done! I've definitely started "peaking" with all the stress and to-do's that comes with having a baby... especially since we have done maybe 5% of the prep work needed and I only have 5 weeks left! So, here's some quick blogs and pictures to get everyone caught up...

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Test info

Well- Barry's back from his test alive and well. He called me Saturday at lunch after the morning section totally defeated saying that was so much harder than he ever anticipated it could be... But, he called me after the afternoon section and joyfully exclaimed that the afternoon half was super easy, and he even finished with 40mins to spare! So, he still doesn't have a good feel for if he passed or not, but he is a little more hopeful after it was all said and done. He should have his results in 6 weeks or so I think. I told him not to worry about if he fails it because in 6 weeks, that'll be the last thing on his mind with the new baby and such :)

Thank you all for your prayers!

I am so incredibly happy to have him back! God bless all you single moms or moms whose husbands are in the military or work a ton or are still going to school after working a ton. I, however, cannot do it alone. I'm sure being fat pregnant doesn't help my temperament! But now Barry is home and available and helping indefinitely. I've just got to try and let him without feeling totally guilty! These holiday babies are tough! Everything was so much easier with Leslie it seems:) So for now my mantra(s) are... One day at a time. It'll all get done. God is good... always.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Prayer request

Barry left yesterday to go take his Chartered Financial Analyst test in Dallas. From what we hear, it's a "man-maker" of a test! So, if everyone will just please pray for him, we would really appreciate it. I've been quizzing him alot and going over practice tests, and I really think he is ready. But, he is not a strong test taker, and I just pray he doesn't over analyze or misinterpret too many questions:)

When he gets home, I'm officially starting phase one of my self-prescribed maternity leave:) Phase 2 begins after the holidays, but I knew I couldn't leave all the Christmas wrapping and decorating and baking to him! I get the fun stuff, and he gets taking care of Leslie and cleaning:) Sounds fair- right? I have such an awesome husband! And it's even better this time around because he would rather clean house all day than have to study for that test!

Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Health Report

Leslie had her 3 week follow-up with the ENT on Monday, and he said everything looks perfect! He also told us that as long as she doesn't dunk her head, we don't have to plug her ears for hair rinsing which was a huge joy for Daddy to hear since he's been fighting that battle every night. I don't know how we're going to handle the summer and swimming (he said to try silly putty in her ears) but at least we can survive through the winter! Leslie has another check-up in 6 months.

I also had a check-up this week. The doctor said the baby still looks perfect. She was head down which was comforting to hear. Leslie never flip-flopped around like this baby, so even though she might still turn breach again, it was nice to hear she still has the room to turn around and get going the right direction! I have another basic check-up Dec 16th.

That's all our health updates for now. Hope everyone is staying warm and healthy this winter!