Saturday, October 18, 2008

The week in Review

This is a her rendition of a dinosaur. And you thought deciphering ultrasound pictures was hard!

She loves helping clean the table...

I had some friends over the other morning and they both brought their little boys. Barry was not happy when he saw this picture of two boys "reading" in her bed!

Since Leslie was first born, Barry has ALWAYS wanted to get her a skeleton outfit, and I would never let him dress my little girl in one. But, I found these pajamas online and they were too cute not to get (and they glow in the dark!) Leslie LOVES her "Halloween pajamas."

This is her trying on her Bumble Bee costume for Halloween. Stay tuned for actual Halloween pictures...

Leslie finally got to take a shower with me this week. She has tried several times, but she finally picked a time to ask when Barry was here to help get her out and I wasn't in a hurry. She really really liked it and stayed in playing for a while after we were done washing...

Daddy likes it if we pretend he's ET...


  1. I know I've said this before but I can't help it... She is beautiful!! She looks just like you did when you were little Erin! I can't wait to see what the next one will look like!

  2. haha! i love the ET pic and all of the costumes! i especially love the skeleton pj's... tell leslie i'm jealous that i don't have a pair! do they make those in adult size? :) she is SO adorable, by the way! can't wait to see the halloween pics!
