Monday, October 20, 2008

ENT Dr Visit

So Leslie saw the ENT today, and he agreed that she needed to have tubes put in her ears. Even though she's been on antibiotics since Thursday, her ears were still very full of fluid, and it didn't look to be draining at all.

I also asked him about any suggestions he had for getting her allergies under control, and he gave us some samples of Singular to try along with her Allegra and Nasonex. I hate her being on so many medicines!

I think he only does surgery on Fridays, so the next time he could get her in was Halloween which I opted out of. Even though the procedure isn't supposed to be a big deal, she'll still have to fast before, and we have a big day planned. I need her on top of her game! So, her surgery will be Friday, November 7th. Hopefully she can stay well until then. We will go in to the ENT doctor Monday November 3rd for a check up and then head to the hospital for pre-registration and lab work. They will tell us what time to be there and when she has to start fasting ect... There won't be any needles for the surgery. They just use a mask to put her under, then make an incision, drain the fluid out, put the tubes in, and she's done. Most people I talk to say it takes about 5-10 mins.

Hopefully this will get her feeling and hearing better! I'll keep you posted as I know more. Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers!

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