Monday, October 27, 2008

The Maize

Last weekend Barry's parents came down to visit. On Saturday, they picked up Barry's niece and nephew who live in Imperial, and we all went to THE MAIZE.

Here is Barry and his dad and all the kiddos as we began the corn maze...

Here's Barry carrying Leslie so she can try and see over the corn and tell us which way to turn...

Here's Barry and the Kiddos ringing the Victory Bell... finally!

They also have a ton of other little activities for people to play on... ideally children, but Barry tried them all out too:) To "help Leslie" I'm sure...

Here is Barry "helping Leslie" and his nephew with the sandbox diggers...

Just kidding... here he is really helping her! I think the real reason couples have babies 2-3 years apart is because that's about the age the kid starts liking Daddy more anyways.

And here they are riding the tractor pulled Cow Train. She LOVED it! She threw her arms up over every bump and waved at everyone passing by!

Here I am smuggling a pumpkin! Just kidding again! 26 weeks down...

Here's Barry and me in a rare non-Leslie picture...

We had a super great day and spent alot more time out there than I ever thought we could! We only had to leave because Leslie's nap time was way over due! Keep checking back for some video, too. It's no zoo or Disneyland, but for Midland, this is about as good as it gets...


  1. Great pictures! It looks like Barry had a lot of fun! :o) I like the last one of you two together. Miss you!

  2. That is a great picture of you and Barry! How's the pregnancy going?

  3. Awww your pictures are so cute !! I love the one of Barry and Leslie ... and the one of you and Barry ! You guys are so adorable ! I can't wait to see the newest baby - you are over halfway there - I'm so excited for you guys !! How are you feeling ?
