Thursday, October 16, 2008

Good Dr Visit & Bad Dr Visit

Good Dr Visit...

We went over to Odessa again today to have a follow-up with the perinatal doctor, and he said everything looked perfect. They double checked the gender for me and made sure my little princess wasn't sporting a sword (Barry 2008,) and she was very definitely still a girl. She is also measuring 25 weeks to the day! We got to see a really good picture of the face and watch her yawn, and it didn't look anything like the couple ultrasound pictures we have of Leslie. I'm so anxious to meet her! I think Barry is still glad to have a few weeks left to prepare though!

A pediatric cardiologist from Dallas Children's was also in town, so we saw her for a fetal echo of the baby's heart, and once again, everything looked just as it should! It was very comforting seeing the aorta with a consistent diameter the entire way around and not the narrowing and bulging we saw with Leslie.

So I am officially released from that doctor, and now just get to sit around Midland and get fat and see my regular Ob/gyn until I deliver. Hard to believe only 15 weeks left!!

Bad Dr Visit...

Leslie woke up at 11pm last night crying that she felt bad and her ear hurt. It took 2 hours to get her settled down and feeling well enough where she could sleep. So, we took her to the doctor this morning, and she did have a very red and very infected right ear. For those counting, this is her 5th ear infection in less than 2 months.

She has always struggled with frequent ear infections, but we keep on thinking she's going to out grow them any day, so we have never wanted to put tubes in her ears. And, it's always a scary risk to have to put your child asleep for something unless there is no other option. However, her ear infections are getting exponentially more severe and painful each time, and they'll hit her quick and hard, and she'll now spike a huge fever with them, all things which she never used to struggle with.

So, much to our disappointment, we have decided to get tubes put in her ears. We have an appointment with an ENT doctor Monday. I'm not sure what all is involved, but hopefully, we can get her well and feeling better on a consistent basis.

It's hard to watch her feel so horrible so often, and I know she hates it too. I'll let you know what we find out Monday on all the particulars...


  1. Poor little thing. I hope she is in as little pain as possible. First NICU when Ben was born, then a scary kidney issue. Those were by far the worst weeks of my life. It is probably the worst feeling in the world to see your child in pain. We'll keep her in our prayers!

    PS Sporting a sword.....HAHAHAHAHAHAA...... I am totally telling my hubby that one....You will have two girls now....and as of Nov 12th we will have 2 boys! :) Congrats!
    PSS Enjoy the "non-specialists" visits! Yah for a healthy heart!

  2. I'm glad to hear that baby girl #2 is healthy and strong! But poor Leslie! I hate ear infections!! Ava had about 4 in a 6 month period but they finally stopped. I'm so sorry that you guys have to go the tube route. It will be nice when she isn't suffering anymore! She will be in our prayers.
    P.S. I agree with Leah... the sword comment was hilarious!

  3. Hey Erin,
    McKenzie got tubes put in last November and it has made such a difference. Before the tubes, she was having ear infections every 4 weeks. She still gets ear infections but not as much and she is not in as much pain as before. She was a little out of it right after the procedure but she was back to her happy go lucky self after a nap and lunch. I would recommend however getting the procedure done as early in the morning as possible.
