Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Easter Memories...

Easter was a basket full of fun like always. The girls were very happy to wake up and check out what the Easter Bunny left them...

"More Candy!"

Fun-filled egg-citing mess...

One of our friends had her fancy camera with her at church and offered to take some pictures. I like to think we give her easy subjects to work with, but her pictures always turn out beautiful!

With their friend, Maddie...

After church, all the family came over to our house for Easter lunch. We were also fortunate enough to have our good friends, the Swaringens, eat with us since they don't have any family in town...

After lunch, the girls got special Easter packages from Grandmommy and PaPa...

I love big family events and making big family memories with/for the girls! We are so very blessed!

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