Sunday, July 17, 2011

Dance Recital Video...

(Hopefully, we'll get the actual video soon, but until then, we have our amateur video to share...)

One of my friends always describes Calla as the biggest little person she's ever known, and Calla definitely proved her right with her dance recital. A lot of the girls just stood on the stage and maybe got a twirl or tap in, but Calla danced the entire time! She didn't always get the moves in the right place, but she was super cute trying! I love my little performer!

Leslie, on the contrary, got every move in the exact right place. I recorded a rehearsal of the girls dances in April so they could practice at home, so Leslie knew every move perfectly. I was actually a little worried because she knew her dances so well, that she had gotten a little sloppy on the timing of things. But come performance time, she got her act together and didn't miss a beat! She was concentrating so hard and counting the beats in her head, that she forgot to smile:) Even though she looked intense on stage, she had a great experience and really enjoyed her time in the spotlight. For the first time, I also noticed a little bit of the Kerlick in her shine through with her leadership and self-assurance/pride. I'm very proud of her for listening and practicing so well all year, and for shedding her meekness to embrace the wonderful little girl God made her to be!

I was so worried going into this weekend that one or both of the girls were not going to make it to the recital. I learned last year how heart-breaking it is in dance to practice all year for this one-time-only chance to perform and not make it. The girls tried their best, but my prayers were answered- with a little bit of help from Advil. Calla had one of her crazy high fevers all week, but managed to pull it together enough for the recital. (My apologies if we got other kids sick.) And Leslie pulled one of her all too common morning vomit routines, but after some rest and food, was able to rebound and dance. It's always something...

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