Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Park Play

Leslie, like most toddlers, loves loves loves the park. Unfortunately, nice warm non-gusty days are few and far between during these winter months, especially since she sleeps away the warm afternoons with her 3 hour naps. Finally, a beautiful day came on a weekend, and Daddy was awesome, as usual, and took her to the park to run off some energy!

Barry loves this shirt of hers. It has a picture of a mermaid on the front, and then Leslie's head is the head. Anytime he gets free reign of the closet, he always pulls out the funniest things for her to wear!

She loves to swing... just have to stop her before she gets sick. Evidently, her stomach doesn't quite give her a strong enough warning it's had enough swinging until it's too late. But, today was a good day.

Daddy taught her a new super-fun awesome game called "running down hills." She really liked it until she tripped and fell into a patch of burrs.

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