Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Barry and I opened gifts to each other Christmas Eve after putting Leslie down because we didn't know when we would get another opportunity. Here's another picture of my big present...

Here is the bounty Santa left for Leslie. She got a baby doll and stroller, as requested, along with some other nursery stuff and, of course, a cookie cake:)

This was by far the best and easiest Christmas morning we've had since Leslie's birth. My mom, step-dad, and brother all piled up and came over to our house to do presents! It's always hard to get up and ready and over to my mom's to do Christmas, and then packing everything up and driving 2 1/2 hours to get to Barry's grandmother's by 2 for lunch! And this year, we had the added obstacle that I was up all night doing breathing treatments with Leslie. She always like to try and get pneumonia during the holidays! It was a huge blessing that everyone was willing to come to us- of course it helped that my mom never even got a tree up this year:)


  1. nice jammies...i wonder what awesome friend bought you those...;)

  2. Your belly - OOps I mean "present" is so cute !! Hope you're feeling good and lil baby #2 is doing well. You are so close !! I'm glad you guys had a good Christmas.
