Monday, January 5, 2009

Holiday Shiners

Being a toddler is tough. We were over at my grandmother's house the week before Christmas and Leslie was just playing next to a living room chair. Then she just falls and hits her left eye on the side table. Here is a picture a couple days later of that shiner...

And then, the next day at lunch, she's bouncing around the kitchen acting kind of hyper while Barry and I finish up our lunches, and BAM! She hits her other eye on the edge of the table. You can see where it's starting to bruise...

It made for some memorable Christmas pictures:) Crazy girl.


  1. lol - Joseph busted his lip the day before Christmas one year and he was playing the part of "baby" Jesus in our church's pageant. :) They keep us on our toes, don't they?

  2. Oh my goodness - that is SO goin to be Abby !! I laughed - but really I should have cried a little for you :)

  3. Poor Baby! Toddler life is exciting though!
