Saturday, January 31, 2009

1 week old

Calla had her one week check-up and passed with flying colors! She's back up to 8 pounds and has already grown half an inch! Here's her official "One Week Old" pictures...

And one with the bear, so we can watch how she grows in comparison...

Picture Highlights

Sorry pictures have been slow coming. Hopefully, I can keep everyone updated a little better now that we're back into a routine. It's been a really fun and crazy week around here. Calla is a great baby and Leslie is a super good big sister. Leslie hasn't had any trouble at all adjusting. She mostly leaves Calla alone but likes to come and talk to her and bring her toys several times a day! She still refuses to call her Calla, only Baby Sister, but I guess that's our own fault for not naming her until she was born! Here's a few of this week's best of pictures...

Here's Daddy with his two little princesses...

Here's Leslie loving on "Baby Sister"...

Here is Calla playing in the Boppy and Leslie bringing her toys...

Here's Mommy with her two little girls...

And more of Leslie holding Calla...

Monday, January 26, 2009

No Place Like Home

Big sister came back to visit again, and this time she wanted to hold Calla...

Everybody came home Saturday and things have gone pretty smoothly. Calla sleeps pretty well, all things considered, and everyone is happy and healthy.

So here is our little lady bug, cute as can be.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Big Day

Introducing Calla Grace Brauchi.

Born January 22nd, 2009 at 4:21 PM. 19 inches long, 8 pounds 4 ounces.

Here is the proud big sister showing up to meet the new addition.

Here are all the girls together for the first time.

Let the princess parties begin...

Thursday, January 15, 2009

January 22nd

I just got back from the baby doctor, and it looks as though there will be no baby sister this week. Thursday, the 22nd, I go in for the induction though, so we've started the countdown at least!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Park Play

Leslie, like most toddlers, loves loves loves the park. Unfortunately, nice warm non-gusty days are few and far between during these winter months, especially since she sleeps away the warm afternoons with her 3 hour naps. Finally, a beautiful day came on a weekend, and Daddy was awesome, as usual, and took her to the park to run off some energy!

Barry loves this shirt of hers. It has a picture of a mermaid on the front, and then Leslie's head is the head. Anytime he gets free reign of the closet, he always pulls out the funniest things for her to wear!

She loves to swing... just have to stop her before she gets sick. Evidently, her stomach doesn't quite give her a strong enough warning it's had enough swinging until it's too late. But, today was a good day.

Daddy taught her a new super-fun awesome game called "running down hills." She really liked it until she tripped and fell into a patch of burrs.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Dress up time

Leslie got a fully stocked dress-up chest from Uncle Zac and Aunt Erin. It doesn't matter how cold it is, she still refuses to just wear them over her clothes. She'll be in full dress up mode curled on the couch with two blankets over her just to stay warm. I have had a little trouble convincing her that these clothes do not count as getting dressed for the day:) So, here she is one frigid evening playing dress up...

She calls the trunk her "treasure chest" and carries it all around the house collecting things...

The cutest part of it all is that you can see her little panties straight through the skirts!

Christmas Play

MiMi and PawPaw brought 2 of Leslie's cousins to come spend some time with us after Christmas. This is Cole and Holly, 2 of Barry's brother's kiddos...

Leslie got a Dora Vet kit for Christmas, so her and Cole decided to give Belle a check-up...

Uncle Joe and Aunt Clara gave Leslie this tutu with purse and sunglasses. This is her right before we went to Chick-fil-a. We made her leave the glasses and purse in the car, but the tutu stayed on through dinner. I've been waiting 3 years for Leslie to want to wear play clothes out in public, and this was the day my dreams came true. I think there is nothing cuter than seeing a little girl shopping at Target in full princess attire! Hopefully, I will have many more of these days in the future.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Princess Leslie

Leslie had so many presents and events, that we had to spread out the festivities over several nights. Here she is opening her Snow White princess gown...

She obviously already had her pajama's on for the night, but she immediately stood up and pulled her britches down wanting to put it on!

So, here is my beautiful Princess Leslie...

And here I am with her royal highness...

I love that God blessed me with girls! I wonder if they make this dress in my size??

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Barry and I opened gifts to each other Christmas Eve after putting Leslie down because we didn't know when we would get another opportunity. Here's another picture of my big present...

Here is the bounty Santa left for Leslie. She got a baby doll and stroller, as requested, along with some other nursery stuff and, of course, a cookie cake:)

This was by far the best and easiest Christmas morning we've had since Leslie's birth. My mom, step-dad, and brother all piled up and came over to our house to do presents! It's always hard to get up and ready and over to my mom's to do Christmas, and then packing everything up and driving 2 1/2 hours to get to Barry's grandmother's by 2 for lunch! And this year, we had the added obstacle that I was up all night doing breathing treatments with Leslie. She always like to try and get pneumonia during the holidays! It was a huge blessing that everyone was willing to come to us- of course it helped that my mom never even got a tree up this year:)

Monday, January 5, 2009

Christmas Eve Pictures

Here's my sweet girl in front of the tree before we left for church...

Here's me with my big present...

And here's Leslie in front of the Santa outside my grandparents' house...

Holiday Shiners

Being a toddler is tough. We were over at my grandmother's house the week before Christmas and Leslie was just playing next to a living room chair. Then she just falls and hits her left eye on the side table. Here is a picture a couple days later of that shiner...

And then, the next day at lunch, she's bouncing around the kitchen acting kind of hyper while Barry and I finish up our lunches, and BAM! She hits her other eye on the edge of the table. You can see where it's starting to bruise...

It made for some memorable Christmas pictures:) Crazy girl.

Pre-Christmas Celebrations

Here is a picture of us at a Christmas party hosted by our friends, the Knights...

They had Santa come and Leslie was super excited that he brought her a present...

Here we are doing our little present exchange a different night with the Knights. Leslie got a Waterbaby which she named "Pink Baby"

Barry picked out a punching bag for Parker, but the kiddos just loved rolling on it and wrestling with it and ultimately, resting on it...