Sunday, July 17, 2011

Dance Recital Video...

(Hopefully, we'll get the actual video soon, but until then, we have our amateur video to share...)

One of my friends always describes Calla as the biggest little person she's ever known, and Calla definitely proved her right with her dance recital. A lot of the girls just stood on the stage and maybe got a twirl or tap in, but Calla danced the entire time! She didn't always get the moves in the right place, but she was super cute trying! I love my little performer!

Leslie, on the contrary, got every move in the exact right place. I recorded a rehearsal of the girls dances in April so they could practice at home, so Leslie knew every move perfectly. I was actually a little worried because she knew her dances so well, that she had gotten a little sloppy on the timing of things. But come performance time, she got her act together and didn't miss a beat! She was concentrating so hard and counting the beats in her head, that she forgot to smile:) Even though she looked intense on stage, she had a great experience and really enjoyed her time in the spotlight. For the first time, I also noticed a little bit of the Kerlick in her shine through with her leadership and self-assurance/pride. I'm very proud of her for listening and practicing so well all year, and for shedding her meekness to embrace the wonderful little girl God made her to be!

I was so worried going into this weekend that one or both of the girls were not going to make it to the recital. I learned last year how heart-breaking it is in dance to practice all year for this one-time-only chance to perform and not make it. The girls tried their best, but my prayers were answered- with a little bit of help from Advil. Calla had one of her crazy high fevers all week, but managed to pull it together enough for the recital. (My apologies if we got other kids sick.) And Leslie pulled one of her all too common morning vomit routines, but after some rest and food, was able to rebound and dance. It's always something...

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Dance Recital Pictures...

The girls did so well at their dance recital! Calla's class was officially for 2-3 year olds, but it met the same time as Leslie's class and was really small, so after a trial run, the teacher let her join a few weeks early so she would make the cut-off date for costume order and get to be in the recital. So, calla was at least a full year younger than most of the other girls, but she did great!

I know I'm biased, but I seriously think Leslie has got to be the sweetest, most beautiful little 5 year old... ever...

Swim Lessons...

The girls enjoyed taking swim lessons at COM again this year...

Calla got to swim with Daddy this day so I could go back and forth to take pictures!

She especially loves Humpty Dumptys and Zoom to the Walls...

Leslie enjoyed her regular lessons, but this was "fun" day, so the kids got to go off the diving board. Doesn't she look like she's having fun?

She survived the diving board trama and had a much better time on the rope swing...

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Easter Memories...

Easter was a basket full of fun like always. The girls were very happy to wake up and check out what the Easter Bunny left them...

"More Candy!"

Fun-filled egg-citing mess...

One of our friends had her fancy camera with her at church and offered to take some pictures. I like to think we give her easy subjects to work with, but her pictures always turn out beautiful!

With their friend, Maddie...

After church, all the family came over to our house for Easter lunch. We were also fortunate enough to have our good friends, the Swaringens, eat with us since they don't have any family in town...

After lunch, the girls got special Easter packages from Grandmommy and PaPa...

I love big family events and making big family memories with/for the girls! We are so very blessed!

"Egg Hunt..."

FUMC had an "egg hunt" at a local park the weekend before Easter. I use quotations because Midland's so flat, they really just throw a few hundred eggs on a field and turn the kids loose. They don't know any different, so of course, they had a blast...

Ice Cream Party...

The saturday after her birthday, we had her special Ice Cream Birthday Party! It was really fun to put together and much easier than last year's!

All the friends playing...

Her "cake" was chocolate dipped ice cream cones...

We usually don't have our "Houston Family" around for these special events, but it worked out this year that some of them were able to join us. Leslie was so excited to have her cousins around to celebrate with her! And I am always greatful they were willing to take time away to visit us!

Instead of cake, everyone picked an ice cream cone, flavor, and then loaded on the toppings! For favors, I found nifty little ice cream/popsicle holders. Perfect!

Then it was presents time...

I love birthday parties and getting a chance to celebrate another year in my child's life! Leslie has been a huge blessing in my life and I hope this birthday party made her feel as special as she is to all of us!

Leslie's Birthday...

April is always loaded with fun for us. We kicked off the month with Leslie's birthday! All the family met at Mr. Ghatti's to start the evening off...
MiMi and PawPaw drove down to visit the girls and help us celebrate...

After dinner, everyone came back to our house for cookie cake and presents...

Unfortunately, she hardly got any presents;)