Friday, September 17, 2010

To Princess Leslie...

I came across a passage in one of the books I'm reading, "The Me I Want to Be," that spoke very strongly to me as a mother...

"Often people have dreams for their life when they are young, but over time they simply give up. Writer and artist Gordan MacKenzie tells of visiting children in kindergarten and asking them "Who is an artist?" Every hand shoots up. This decreases to half the class by third grade. Over time many find that becoming the me they were meant to be is too hard or that it takes too long. When we give up on our growth and life's purpose, we languish."

Even though I'll admit that Leslie is currently not the best artist... or dancer... or gymnast in her class, I never want to be the one that discourages her from developing to her full potential. So, today before nap I was cuddling on her some and asked her,

"Leslie, are you an artist?"

"Hahaha- yes mommy. I'm an artist."

"Do you know what an artist is?"

"Yes- a painter."

"That's right, and you are a very good painter. What else are you?"

"Ummmm... a princess."

The conversation went on for a while going over all the other things she is and enjoys. But I thought "a princess" really encapsulated it all. Today she can be a princess just as easily as she can be an artist. The world is still so full of possibilities for her. I pray that her spirit remains young and open to everything God has designed her to become. And that we all cherish this time of innocence and preserve it for as long as possible.


  1. Very beautifully written, Erin. Leslie is a special little girl, and she is lucky to have you for her mom.

  2. Such a beautiful post. I can hardly see to type this because of my teary eyes. Precious words and a precious photo of Leslie.
