Monday, September 20, 2010

Animal Night...

Every few months, the Petroleum Museum has family night where they open the whole place up and have a huge themed extravaganza! This time was animals! Calla loved getting to feel all the soft fur...

The ferret was silly...

Leslie loved meeting all the animals! I think it was pretty surreal for her because she knows a ton of facts about all these animal from watching Diego, but you could tell she thought it was pretty cool to see and touch them in real life...

One of the craft stations had an alligator puzzle to color and cut out. Of course, Calla wanted to make one too...

Regardless of whatever awesome tables they have set up, the highlight of the trip for Leslie is always walking through this permanent exhibit tunnel and ocean scene...

It was MEGA crowded, so we didn't last too long. Instead, we decided to swing by the old K-mart parking lot snow cones!

Calla showing Daddy her red tongue...

Everybody showing eachother our colored tongues...

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