Sunday, February 8, 2009

Leslie's Special Night

We have had such a busy and amazingly fun weekend! It started Friday night... My mom offered to come over and watch Calla for us, so we could go have a fun night out with Leslie. (RSV is at epidemic levels around here, so Calla's arrival has pretty much grounded us for a couple months!) We began the night with Chick-fil-a (aka "My Chicken House") and had dinner with ice cream and then let her play on the play ground a few minutes. Then we went over to Putt-Putt for a round of mini-golf. She needed help using her club...

Luckily for her, she decided the club was only for use in the initial teeing-off. All subsequent "putts" were hand delivered to the hole.

And she got to ride the safari animals.

She kept on hitting this turtle with her club saying "Come on turtle, let's go!"

She's definitely no Tiger Woods, but it was so much fun to go out with her to play and enjoy her being a toddler!

Thanks again to Grandmommy for staying with Miss Calla and putting her to sleep so well...

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