Sunday, February 8, 2009


Leslie and I began our Saturday morning with a trip to the bowling alley. One of our friends, Cressinda, helps out with the local Big Brothers Big Sisters program, and she invited us to come bowl with her as a part of a fundraiser. Leslie thought bowling was the most fun ever. She did really well staying close and taking turns and letting me help!

First, we pick out a ball and carry it to the lane...

Next, we both sit down at the end of the lane, count to three, and give it a big push (and pray it gets there!)

Then we wait...

And wait some more...

Amazingly enough, we never had a ball not make it! We did have to push the reset button almost every time because it didn't register a ball made it down:)

The local news thought she was super cute and took a bunch of video of her, but some how it ended up on the cutting room floor:( She also got to talk into the mic during the event... She was eating a breakfast burrito (provided by Jum-burrito) and the DJ came over to ask her about it and plug/thanks Jum-burrito for their donation. He asked if she liked the burrito, and she said, "Yes- I LOOOOVE bur-a-tee-tos!!"

She's so cute! I'm sure we'll go back before too long so Daddy can have some fun, too. (Thanks to Daddy for staying home with Miss Calla while Leslie and I got to go have some special Mommy-Daughter time.) And thanks to Cressinda for inviting us to play!

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