Thursday, February 12, 2009

That's my strawberry Valentine's cake

Leslie helped me make a cake Sunday night. This was the first baking she's gotten to do with me other than putting pre-made cookies on a cookie sheet. She did a very good job, and we look forward to cooking together more often!

breaking the eggs

pouring the eggs into the bowl

Stirring everything together before the mixer

"That's my strawberry Valentine's cake!"

More Pictures

Monday, February 9, 2009

New Calla Pictures

Here's some of our newest pictures of Miss Calla. Enjoy...

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Leslie and I began our Saturday morning with a trip to the bowling alley. One of our friends, Cressinda, helps out with the local Big Brothers Big Sisters program, and she invited us to come bowl with her as a part of a fundraiser. Leslie thought bowling was the most fun ever. She did really well staying close and taking turns and letting me help!

First, we pick out a ball and carry it to the lane...

Next, we both sit down at the end of the lane, count to three, and give it a big push (and pray it gets there!)

Then we wait...

And wait some more...

Amazingly enough, we never had a ball not make it! We did have to push the reset button almost every time because it didn't register a ball made it down:)

The local news thought she was super cute and took a bunch of video of her, but some how it ended up on the cutting room floor:( She also got to talk into the mic during the event... She was eating a breakfast burrito (provided by Jum-burrito) and the DJ came over to ask her about it and plug/thanks Jum-burrito for their donation. He asked if she liked the burrito, and she said, "Yes- I LOOOOVE bur-a-tee-tos!!"

She's so cute! I'm sure we'll go back before too long so Daddy can have some fun, too. (Thanks to Daddy for staying home with Miss Calla while Leslie and I got to go have some special Mommy-Daughter time.) And thanks to Cressinda for inviting us to play!

Leslie's Special Night

We have had such a busy and amazingly fun weekend! It started Friday night... My mom offered to come over and watch Calla for us, so we could go have a fun night out with Leslie. (RSV is at epidemic levels around here, so Calla's arrival has pretty much grounded us for a couple months!) We began the night with Chick-fil-a (aka "My Chicken House") and had dinner with ice cream and then let her play on the play ground a few minutes. Then we went over to Putt-Putt for a round of mini-golf. She needed help using her club...

Luckily for her, she decided the club was only for use in the initial teeing-off. All subsequent "putts" were hand delivered to the hole.

And she got to ride the safari animals.

She kept on hitting this turtle with her club saying "Come on turtle, let's go!"

She's definitely no Tiger Woods, but it was so much fun to go out with her to play and enjoy her being a toddler!

Thanks again to Grandmommy for staying with Miss Calla and putting her to sleep so well...