Monday, June 13, 2011

March Madness...

March had a lot of random pictures with fun stories!

The girls love cream cheese on crackers for snack. This night, Leslie asked for them for dessert after dinner. She takes forever to eat, so the rest of us were already done and had left the table waiting for her to finish. Then, I looked at her and realized that she has the cracker and is circling it around her mouth. We have this problem of her smearing food around her mouth fairly often, so using my Love & Logic, I said, "Uh-oh! That's sad" and took her cracker away. It was her last one anyways, but it sent her into a fit running off to her room. When we saw her clown mouth, we made her come back so we could take a picture and laugh at her. Tears of a clown...

Leslie is an awesome reader. She reads on a 4th grade level from most things I look at! It's so sweet when she sits down and actually uses her skills and time to read her sissy a book...

Towards the end of the month, we went to a friend's Star Wars themed birthday party. They had a little skit worked out so the kids could earn their padiwan cloaks and light sabers. Everyone thought it was fun, but Calla thought it was awesome...

I was getting ready to repaint the girls toenails one day and Leslie looked down at her chipped polish and said, "Hey look! It looks like the United States." And it did! How does a 4 year old know these things?

My old college friend, Miranda, came to town for a visit over spring break. We had all sorts of fun things planned, but Calla got sick, so we ended up just bumming around the house most days and running errands. We still had a lot of fun catching up and laughing about old times. I am very grateful to have a friend that is willing to come be bored with me and just give me some much needed girl time.

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