Friday, August 29, 2008

a good day...

Yesterday was a red letter day in the Brauchi household. Leslie and I began the day playing outside, then got ready to go meet her teachers at "school." After school, we went and visited Daddy's office and got some candy, then had lunch with Daddy. Came home and, after playing outside some more, took a 2 hour nap (which was nice compared to her usual 3-4 hour ones lately.) then our friend Parker came over for dinner and they both played really well together. then we all went to get ice cream. It was a good day.

Parker kept building towers or castles or boats out of the blocks and Leslie would say "Awesome Parker! Awesome!" and Parker would add another block and ask "That awesome Leslie?" of course with tons of laughs and shrills of joy between it all. it was really cute. I'm so glad they can finally play together and I don't have to referee the whole time!


  1. Erin! Thanks so much for your email - I think of you and Barry so very often. I can't believe how big Leslie is. I've tried emailing several times, but it won't go through - will you email me your phone number so I can give you a call?!?

  2. Awww our children are awesome!! I love them!
