Friday, August 29, 2008

a good day...

Yesterday was a red letter day in the Brauchi household. Leslie and I began the day playing outside, then got ready to go meet her teachers at "school." After school, we went and visited Daddy's office and got some candy, then had lunch with Daddy. Came home and, after playing outside some more, took a 2 hour nap (which was nice compared to her usual 3-4 hour ones lately.) then our friend Parker came over for dinner and they both played really well together. then we all went to get ice cream. It was a good day.

Parker kept building towers or castles or boats out of the blocks and Leslie would say "Awesome Parker! Awesome!" and Parker would add another block and ask "That awesome Leslie?" of course with tons of laughs and shrills of joy between it all. it was really cute. I'm so glad they can finally play together and I don't have to referee the whole time!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Backyard fun 2

Leslie loves loves loves that she is big enough to climb up the slides now!

This is her pretending to be "the grumpy old troll, who lives under the bridge" from Dora...

She made a silly face and made us laugh, and therefore, got to go down the slide...

Backyard fun

Leslie loves playing on her swing set...

Here she is laughing hysterically because she keeps running into the dogs who can't figure out they need to move...

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Coming January 29

Baby Brauchi #2
9 weeks 5 days
Head on left with arm and leg nubs

17 weeks
Head is on right with arm extended up. Its hand is punching me.

Scary face picture. Notice 2 hemispheres of brain...

The nurse laughed at how much this little baby is kicking me. I didn't feel Leslie kick until i was 20 weeks and barry couldn't feel her until much after that. I started feeling definite kicks with this one at 15 weeks and Barry felt it kicking at 16 weeks. As fun as it is getting to feel the baby this early, i'm scared for what might be to come. And i thought Leslie was a strong kicker! I've already had nightmares of this baby kicking through my belly...

What you see here is the thigh going from bottom to top of picture, then from the top of the thigh going right is the calf and go back up to see a little foot.

This is the best money shot we could negotiate. We had several views and angles like this throughout the visit and there was never any extra boy parts we could see. We're not painting the nursery yet, but it looks like another princess. The view is as if it was sitting on the camera.

We go to Odessa for the Fetal Echocardiogram September 4th. They should be able to tell with more certainty. We'll let you know!

Fire Station Open House

Today the downtown fire station had an open house party for the community. Leslie loved getting to climb around on all the fire trucks and watch the fire fighters' demonstrations.

Drum set fun

We recently got a hand me down drum set from my uncle for Barry to enjoy. Little did we know Leslie would like it exponentially more...

trying something new...

I thought i would try out blogging for a while to see if this simplified our life any. This way maybe we can get away with only posting pictures in one place and everyone be able to enjoy them and our day to day lives. Hope you enjoy...